Dr.Ivan Obadiah Chelladurai A

Dr.Ivan Obadiah Chelladurai A, MDS

Assistant Professor
Name Ivan Obadiah Chelladurai A
Designation MDS, Assistant Professor
Under Graduation College & Year PDCH , 2018
Post Graduation College & Year Saveetha dental college and hospital, 2022
Teaching Experience 1 Month
Expertise Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry
Area of Interest Psychology and Practice management
No. of Publications 14
S.No. Title of the Articles Journal Details Points
1. Parental acceptance of management techniques in Pediatric dentistry: A systematic review International Journal of Medical Dentistry . Jul-Sep2022, Vol. 26 Issue 3, p417-434. 18p. 15
2 Influence of Different Parenting Styles on Dentist's Treatment Plan Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International 34(22A): 23-27, 2022; Article no.JPRI.84815 15
3. Effect of Distraction on Behaviour and Anxiety of Children During Induction of General,Anpcthocij :A Randomized Control Study International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Science (IJDOS)ISSN: 2377-8075 5
4. Prevalence of Defective Restorations and Factors Associated with Re-Intervention in Primarv Teeth:A Retrosoective Studv International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research IJan -Mar 2020 I Vol 12 I Issue 1 15
5. Impact of Early Childhood caries on quality of life in 3-5 year old children and their oarents - A cross sectional studv Pal Arch's Journal of Egypt , PJE 17(7) 2020 15
6. Effect of a Relaxation Training Exercise on Behaviour,Anxiety and Pain During Administration of Intra-Oral Local Anaesthesia in Children of Age 6 to 12 vears: Randomized Controlled Trial Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science 2020, Volume 8, Issue 7. Page No: 364-370 15
7. Correlation between the Intelligence Quotient Of Children Aged 4-12 Years And Their Oral Hygiene Status International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Science (IJDOS) ISSN: 2377-8075 5
8. Prevalence and Defect Characteristics of Primary Second Molars in Indian Population Journal of Microbiology, April Vol. 15, No.1 (2022) ., no 5967 15
9. A survey on the treatment timing and modalities for white spot lesions among various pediatric dentists in India Drug Invention Today IVol 13 • Issue 5 • 2020 5
10. The Efficiency of House Classification of Mental Attitude in Classifying Parents' Mentality in Dentistry - An exploratory study Journal of Microbiology,AprilVol.15,No.1(2022).,119.no 5972 15
11. Evaluation of Carious Primary Teeth that Causes Swelling In Children Visiting a Private Dental Institute • An Observational Study Int. J. Res. Pharm. Sci., 2020, 11 (SPL3), 200•205 15
12. Differences on the Quality in Primary Teeth Between Undergraduates And Postgraduate Students • A Comparative Study @Wm@,Special Issue Vol 14 No (10) (2021) 15
13. Requirements of back to back crowns in 2 to 6 year old children in maxillary arch - an observational study European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine ISSN 2515-8260 ,2020 15
14. Requirements of Back to Back Crowns in Children Aged 2 to 6 Years in Int. J. Res. Pharm. Sci., 2020, 11 (SPL3), 1529•1534 15


  • Co-PI in project titled “Dental surroundings with sensory adaptations to enhance the oral care for children with Autism and ADHD – A Qualitative study” in SERB Women POWER grant (Proposal submitted)


  • Rajasekar G, Ditto S, Parisa NB, Gayathri J, Vignesh R. Comparative evaluation of wear strength and compressive strength of two pit and fissure sealants with nano-filled resin coating – An Invitro study. International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2022 (Under review)
  • Shehnani AF, Sujitha P, Kavitha R, Samuel V, Rajakumar S, Gayathri J. Non-pharmacological behaviour management techniques in pediatric dentistry – A Bibliometric Analysis. Journal of Dental Research. (Under review)
  • Co-PI in project titled “Dental surroundings with sensory adaptations to enhance the oral care for children with Autism and ADHD – A Qualitative study” in SERB Women POWER grant (Proposal submitted)