Dr.A.Victor Samuel

Dr.A.Victor Samuel, MDS

Associate Professor
Name A.Victor Samuel
Designation Associate Professor
Under Graduation College & Year B.D.S., SAVEETHA DENTAL COLLEGE 2006
Post Graduation College & Year M.D.S., SAVEETHA DENTAL COLLEGE 2011
Teaching Experience 1 year 7 months
Expertise Pediatric & Preventive Dentistry
Area of Interest Pediatric Endodontics
No. of Publications 20
SCOPUS ID 55639332000
ORCID ID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3236-0882
  • Empaneled in NABH from the Quality Council of India as Principal Assessor
  • Past President - Indian Dental Association- Greater Chennai Branch
  • Authored a Textbook named “Remineralizing agents used in Pediatric Dentistry” and published in the year 2023
  • Participated in television live interview was telecasted in puthyugam channel
  • Won best paper for paper presentation award in IDA Madurai in 2008
  • Authored a Textbook named “Understanding the concept of Demineralization and Remineralization” and published in the year 2017
  • Contributed in the text book named “Pediatric Dentistry: Principles and Practice” as chapter author
  • A Victor Samuel,Nesh, Kavitha, Raja, Sujitha et al. An Bibliometric analysis of grape seed extract in Dentistry. Lat. Am. J. Pharm. 42 (10), 170- 184
  • Victor Samuel, Palani Vinodhini, Chandrasekharan Deepak, Katepogu Praveen et al. Bibliometric Study on Temporary Anchorage Devices in Orthodontics. Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science 11 (11), 2347-2545
  • Dharmalingam I, Samuel V, Ramar K, Sekar R, Kasi A, Ponraj S, et al. Effectiveness of Phytic Acid as an Etchant in Dentistry: A Systematic Review. Eur J Gen Dent. 2023;82–8.
  • Pooja VR, Samuel V, Kavitha R. Dexmedetomidine and midazolam , as intranasal con- scious sedative agents in pediatric dental practice : A systematic review and meta-analysis. Cureus 2023;12(7):7682–711.
  • Malavika KG, Samuel V, Kavitha R. In Vitro Evaluation of Surface Topography and Shaping Ability of Reciprocating Vs Rotary System in Primary Teeth using Scanning Electron Microscopy and Cone Beam Computed Tomography.Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2023;12(7):7667–81.
  • Malavika K, Samuel V, Ramar K. Root Canal Morphology of Primary Mandibular First Molar: A Systematic Review. J Clin Diagnostic Res. 2023;17(3):14–8.
  • Shehani A F, Ponraj S, Ramar K, A VS, S R, J G. Non-pharmacological Behavior Management Techniques in Pediatric Dentistry: A Bibliometric Analysis. Cureus. 2023;15(7):1–9.
  • C G, A VS, Purushothaman D, K T M, N V. Bibliometric Analysis of Dental Caries Detection. Cureus. 2023;15(6):1–11.
  • V R P, A VS, Ramar K. Changing Trends in Conscious Sedation at Pediatric Dental Offices: A Bibliometric Analysis. Cureus. 2023;15(6).
  • Ishwarya D, Victor Samuel A, Kavitha R. Effect of different etching time on etch pattern and etch depth using 1% phytic acid in primary teeth – A Scanning Electron Microscopic study. Pediatr Dent J [Internet]. 2022;(xxxx):1–6. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pdj.2022.03.002
  • Anuradha J Kuppan , Victor Samuel, Mahesh R , P M Jaganath SA. Twinning rates in Chennai, India – A cross-sectional study. J Fam Med Prim Care [Internet]. 2022;11(2):1450–4.
  • ASD J, Manisha, VA S. A Panorama of the Applications of Midazolam in Dentistry and Recent Advances. Int J Curr Res Rev. 2021;13(17):13–8.
  • Annamalai S, Hariharavel V, Ramar K, Samuel V. Apexification and repair of root fracture with mineral trioxide aggregate – A case report with 5-year follow-up. J Pharm Bioallied Sci. 2021;13(5):881.
  • Supriya M, Victor Samuel A. Terahertz technology: A Review on dental perspective. J Pharm Sci Res [Internet]. 2020;12(10):1320–5.
  • Sharna N, Ramakrishnan M, Samuel V, Ravikumar D, Cheenglembi K, Anil S. Association between early childhood caries and quality of life: Early childhood oral health impact scale and PUFA index. Dent J. 2019;7(4).
  • Ramadurai N, Gurunathan D, Samuel AV, Subramanian E, Rodrigues SJL. Effectiveness of 2% Articaine as an anesthetic agent in children: randomized controlled trial. Clin Oral Investig. 2019;23(9):3543–50.
  • Ramakrishnan M, Banu S, Ningthoujam S, Victor SA. Evaluation of knowledge and attitude of parents about the importance of maintaining primary dentition ‑ A cross‑sectional study. J Fam Med Prim Care [Internet]. 2019;8:414–8.
  • Raj JD, Babu NM, Victor SA. Endodontic Management of Mesotaurodontic Tooth with Endocrown: A Case Report. J Oper Dent Endod. 2018;3(2):97–100.
  • Ramakrishnan M, Samuel V. Conservative management of a rootless premolar: A case report with 4-year follow-up. Gen Dent. 2018;66(2):51–3.
  • Kavitha Ramar, V. P. Hariharavel, Sankar Annamalai1 AVS, Department. Bilateral fusion of permanent mandibular incisors with talon’s cusp. SRM Dent J. 2017;8(1):1–4.
  • Kuppan A, Rodrigues S, Samuel V, Ramakrishnan M, Halawany HS, Abraham NB, et al. Prevalence and Heritability of Early Childhood Caries among Monozygotic and Dizygotic Twins. Twin Res Hum Genet. 2017;20(1):43–52.
  • Samuel V, Ramakrishnan M, Halawany HS, Abraham N, Jacob V, Anil S. Comparative evaluation of the efficacy of tricalcium phosphate, calcium sodium phosphosilicate, and casein phosphopeptide- amorphous calcium phosphate in reducing streptococcus mutans levels in saliva. Niger J Clin Pract. 2017;20(11):1404–10.
  • Ravikumar D, Gurunathan D, Karthikeyan S, Subbramanian EMG, Victor Samuel A. Age and environment determined children’s preference towards dentist attire - A cross - Sectional study. J Clin Diagnostic Res. 2016;10(10):16–9.
  • Baskarraj M, Gupta Ym, Kumari Rr, Samuel Av, Kannan SS, Mahesh R. Forensic odontology: Supernumerary teeth, their importance, and a radiographic study in identifying supernumerary teeth. Int J Forensic Odontol. 2016;1(2):39.
  • Ramadurai N, Gurunathan D, Subramanian E, Samuel A. Local Anesthetic Used for Dental Treatment in Children- Systematic Review. Br J Med Med Res. 2016;13(9):1–9.
  • Jyotsna srinath, Gargi, Victor Samuel. Assessing the effectiveness of liquorice root extract lollipop in reducing the s.mutans count in saliva in children aged 6-12 yrs-a pilot study. Int J Pharma Bio Sci. 2015;6(2):935–9.
  • Ahamed N, Samuel V, Mahesh R. Uniqueness of palatal rugae in forensic science - A review. Int J Pharma Bio Sci. 2015;6(1):B475–9.
  • Samuel V. Management of Complicated Crown Fracture and Associated Impacted Mesiodens- Case Report with 3yrs Follow-up. J Clin Diagnostic Res. 2014;8(9):32–3.
  • Mahesh R, Arthi C, Victor S, Ashokkumar S. Hepatitis B Infection Awareness among Dental Graduate Students: A Cross Sectional Study. Int Sch Res Not. 2014;2014:1–6.
  • AVS Monisha P Khatri. Overview of Mesiodens - A Review. Int J Pharma Bio Sci. 2014;5(2):526- 539.
  • Victor Samuel A, Muthu MS, Gurunathan D, Sharma A. Alopecia areata of dental origin in a child. Indian J Dent Res. 2012;23(5):665–9.


  • A system for Orofacial Pain Detection. Application No. 202241030677, Date of Filing of application: 28/05/2022.
  • Case cover for Dental HandPieces. Application No. 202341034659 A, Date of Filing of application: 17/05/2023.
  • Bracket Holder with Positioning Jig. Application No. 202341009785, Date of Filing of application: 14/02/2023