Dr.Nidhi Angrish

Dr.Nidhi Angrish, MDS

Assistant Professor
Name Nidhi Angrish
Designation Assistant Professor
Under Graduation College & Year Manipal College of Dental Sciences, 2012.
Post Graduation College & Year Saraswati Dental College, Lucknow, 2016.
Teaching Experience 5 Years 1 Month
Expertise Cephalometrics, Treatment planning
Area of Interest Digital Orthodontics, Surgical Orthodontics
No. of Publications 14
Ph.D Part Time PhD Scholar - ON GOING
ORCID ID 0000-0002-9925-5526
  • Comparison of Amount of Root Resorption Seen in Incisors Radiographically During Active Orthodontic Treatment Using RVG and IOPA-A Vivo Study.EC Dental Science 6.1(2016):1251-1258
  • Indirect Bonding in orthodontics-A review. SF Dent Oral ResJ1:3
  • Obstructive sleep apnea-Hypopnea syndrome: a review. IJDSIR 2019, Vol 2, issue :326-339
  • Orthodontic intrusion of anterior teeth: Basics and biomechanics. International Journal of dental science and Innovative Research (IJDSIR) Volume-3,issue-2,March-2020, page No:210-216
  • Aerosis in orthodontics-Covid 19. International Journal of dental science and innovative Research (IJDSIR)volume-3, Issue-4, August-2020, page no:270-279.
  • Invisalign: A review International Journal of current science research; Volume:6Issue:10; October-2020; pp 2022-2039.ISSN:2454-5422
  • Open bite Malocclusion-A review Article International Journal of current science research volume:6; Issue:11; November-2020; pp 2050-2066
  • A Survey study on the changes in food consumption habits of the patients during fixed orthodontic treatment ; International Journal of Mechanical Engineering ; Volume :7,No:5 May 2022. ISSN: 0974-5823
  • Survey on the various orthodontic retention practices by general dental practitioners/orthodontists ; International Journal of Mechanical Engineering ; Volume:7,No :5 May ,2022 .ISSN :0974 -5823
  • To assess the surface changes and the release of nickel ions from Nickel –titanium (NiTi) and chromium ions from stainless steel (SS) orthodontic wires on exposure to Betadine Mouthwash ; Journal of Positive School Psychology ,Volume: 6,No :2,2022 issue: 265-271
  • Stability in Rapid Maxillary Expansion : A Systematic Review of Randomised  Controlled Trials ; Specialusis Ugdymas / Special Education 2022 1 (43)
  • Distraction osteogenesis in orthodontics; Dr. Akshay Tandon, Dr. Nidhi Angrish, Dr. Deenadayalan P., Dr. Deepak C., Dr. Katepogu Praveen International journal of mechanical engineering; vol 7 no 6 june 2022 ISSN: 0974-5823 pg 30-36
  • MANAGEMENT OF DEEP BITE- A REVIEW Dr. Nidhi Angrish, Dr. Akshay Tandon, Dr. Deenadayalan P., Dr. Deepak C., Dr. Katepogu Praveen International journal of mechanical engineering; vol 7 no 6 june 2022 ISSN: 0974-5823 pg 37-40
  • Orthodontic management of the ectopic erupted maxillary canine 
  • Dr. Katepogu Praveen Dr. A. Sujana, Dr. Deenadayalan. P , Dr. Deepak Chandrasekharan, Dr. Akshay Tandon , Dr. Nidhi Angrish; international journal of mechanical engineering; vol 7 no 6 june 2022 ISSN: 0974-5823 pg 46-53