—Medical Simulation

The SRM/STRATUS Centre for Medical Simulation is the largest Centre of its kind in South East Asia, built in an area of 14000 square feet and inaugurated in Jan 2011 in collaboration with Partners International and Neil and Elise and Wallace, Stratus Centre of Medical Simulation of BWH(Brigham’s and Women’s Hospital), Boston, USA.

SRM Institute of Science and Technology opened this state-of-the-art Simulation Centre to enhance the training of its students, residents and staff. The Simulation Centre combines each of the components of medical simulation including partial-task trainers, full-scale human patient simulators supported by modern audio-visual gear, Debrief equipments and a faculty that integrates medical simulation into many of its medical, nursing and paraprofessional programs.

The Medical Council of India (MCI) has specified now, that simulation based medical Education be imparted to Medical Students:

  • “The Medical Council of India (MCI), the apex body overseeing medical education, released a reform document in January … the introduction of new teaching techniques such as simulation, skill labs and smart classrooms.
  • Simulation based Medical education is now taught from Undergraduates of 3rd Semester thro 5th Semester.
  • The AHA (American) Heart Association), has recognized, SRM Stratus, as an ITC (International training centre), which is now authorized to conduct AHA accredited, internationally valid, BLS (Basic Life Support) and ACLS (Advanced cardiac Life Support) Courses.
  • In Collaboration with Arizona University, SRM Stratus started in June 2013, the first ever AHLS (Advanced HAZMAT {Hazardous materials Poisonings recognition and management} Life Support), Provider and Instructor Courses.
  • AHA, BLS & ACLS courses are now provided to CRRIs and clinical Post Graduates of medical college, Interns of Dental college, Nursing college, Physiotherapy College, Bio Medical Engineering & Pharm D.
  • The SRM Stratus has also made debuts in Simulation based IPE (Inter Professional Education), and its pool of AHA accredited Instructors hailing from Medical, Dental and Nursing colleges join hands in training students from different strata.
  • SRM/Stratus has also started providing these courses to medical practitioners & nurses, outside SRM and also to factory employees.
  • SRM/Stratus also conducts mock code in various parts of the hospital to assess & integrate Life Support Systems.
  • SRM/Stratus provides simulated laparoscope training to interns and surgical post graduates in its Arcade.
  • In addition to the above, SRM is procuring virtual reality simulation encompassing, Endovascular, Ultrasound, Endoscopy, Bronchoscopy and Laparoscopic Skills.
  • SRM/STRATUS, in its commitment to train the community has already trained in BLS, 480 Fire Service Personnel from Chengalpattu and Kancheepuram District, free of charge.

Programs offered at the SRM/STRATUS, Centre for Medical Simulation:

  • BLS – Basic Life Support (AHA Accredited)
  • ACLS – Advanced Cardiac Life Support (AHA Accredited)
  • PALS – Paediatrics Cardiac Life Support (AHA Accredited)
  • AHLS Provider & Instructor (Arizona University Accredited)
  • Basic Mechanical Ventilation
  • Basic Airway Management
  • Basic Clinical Toxicology
  • Basic Surgical Skills for Residents and Students
  • Basic Laparoscopy course
  • Basic Hemodynamic Monitoring
  • Basic Trauma Life Support(BTLS)
  • Basic Ultra Sonography in ER/ICU
  • Basic ECG
  • Basic ABG
  • Endo Vascular Simulation

The Endovascular simulator, which is recently installed, offers a plethora of endovascular scenarios with different levels of difficulties. This would specially benefit postgraduates and consultants from departments of Vascular surgery, Cardiology, Cardio thoracic surgery, Neurology, Neurosurgery and Radiology.

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